Wondering where can I play Pickleball?

Are you going on vacation or traveling outside of the area and want to find an easy resource on where to play Pickleball? Check out Places 2 Play from USA Pickleball Association to find indoor and outdoor Pickleball facilities in all 50 states and around the world! Search by name, address, city, state, zip code, place description or use the easy to use scrollable map to see Pickleball court locations nearest you or where you are heading. Search Where to Play Pickleball For assistance, go to USA Pickleball Places 2 Play (P2P) Help Guide

USA Pickleball Official Rule Book
“The USA Pickleball Association (USA PICKLEBALL) was organized to perpetuate the growth and advancement of pickleball on a national level and to set goals for worldwide play and recognition. The purpose of the rulebook is to provide pickleball players with the rules necessary for recreational, social, organized league and tournament play.”
– USA Pickleball Association
USA Pickleball Rulebook 2022